Acrylic Painting | Miniature Art | Mellissa Read-Devine Art Est Art School and Gallery

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Acrylic Painting | Miniature Art | Mellissa Read-Devine

Acrylic Painting | Miniature Art |  Mellissa Read-Devine

Although Mellissa is better known as a large scale impressionist painter, she actually started her art journey as a miniaturist painter and engraver. This unique art form, based on a minute scale, traces its roots back to the book paintings and illuminated manuscripts set in the 7th century. A work of fine art in miniature is a particularly personal object that draws the viewer into an intimate, concentrated little world that can be breathtaking in its execution.

What to expect

Students will learn:

  • Learn Colour theory
  • Discuss materials
  • Practice composition in a tiny format
  • Explore different techniques of creating tone and texture
  • Have a greater understanding of the history of limning and techniques
  • Create 1- 2 small paintings

Images: Rose and Daphne by Mellissa Read-Devine

Is this course right for me?

Beginners through to advanced students welcome.

Materials required

  • Tracing Paper
  • Watercolour Paper - Hot Pressed, Smooth
  • Sketchbook
  • Lead pencil - HB & 2B
  • A retractable blade to keep your pencil sharp
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Watercolour brush with a good tip - eg. Kolinsky sable No.3, down to size 0 if desired. Cheaper synthetics are fine if that’s all you have.
  • Artist quality watercolours (you can bring gouache or acrylics if you wish)
  • White plate or tray for palette, a lidded ‘stay wet’ palette if you are using acrylics
  • Cotton rag or handkerchief (tissues leave fibres)
  • A small personal still life set up or photo references

Bring whatever colours you have, with the following selection giving you a key palette mix: 

  • Titanium White
  • Magenta or Alizarin red
  • Cadmium red
  • Pthalo Blue
  • Cerulean Blue
  • Yellows (cool and warm)
  • Dioxyzine Purple

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