Painting | Rainbow Lorikeets | 8-12 years Art Est Art School and Gallery

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Painting | Rainbow Lorikeets | 8-12 years

Painting | Rainbow Lorikeets  | 8-12 years
$70 Limited inc GST
Painting | Rainbow Lorikeets | 8-12 years

<p>Paint a cheeky &amp; colorful native bird - the 'Rainbow Lorikeet' in their natural environment using acrylic paints.</p>

<h2 id="header-what-will-students-take-home">What will students take home?<


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Paint a cheeky & colorful native bird - the 'Rainbow Lorikeet' in their natural environment using acrylic paints.

What will students take home?

A finished painting on canvas to proudly show off at home!

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