Ink | Japanese Ink Painting | 8-12 years Art Est Art School and Gallery

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Ink | Japanese Ink Painting | 8-12 years

Ink | Japanese Ink Painting | 8-12 years
$70 Limited inc GST
Ink | Japanese Ink Painting | 8-12 years

<p>Experience the magic of Japanese aesthetics with our exciting sumi-e Ink Painting class! This class will introduce students to the traditional art of Japanese ink painting. Using just simple black


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Experience the magic of Japanese aesthetics with our exciting sumi-e Ink Painting class! This class will introduce students to the traditional art of Japanese ink painting. Using just simple black ink and carefully curated white space, Sumi-e captures the timeless beauty and complexity of the natural world. Students will work with high quality Japanese Sumi-e ink, known for it’s rich deep intensity, as they learn how to hold calligraphy brushed and paint a range of subjects such as bamboo, landscapes, flowers and animals.

What will students take home?

Each student will leave with a series of artworks on high quality paper that showcases their newfound skills in this elegant and fascinating art form.

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