Masterclass | Drawing in Charcoal with Michael Simms | 10+ years Art Est Art School and Gallery

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Masterclass | Drawing in Charcoal with Michael Simms | 10+ years

Masterclass | Drawing in Charcoal with Michael Simms | 10+ years
$150 Limited inc GST
Masterclass | Drawing in Charcoal with Michael Simms | 10+ years

<p>A special one day drawing-workshop aimed at learning fundamental drawing skills of seeing, proportion, perspective, composition, tone and value. Students will learn how to discern between the


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A special one day drawing-workshop aimed at learning fundamental drawing skills of seeing, proportion, perspective, composition, tone and value. Students will learn how to discern between the different drawing mediums of willow and compressed charcoal, pastel, graphite and ink. Students will learn how to maximise the effect of each of these materials to achieve their drawing potential. 

Topics covered include:

  • Overview of materials: how to discern between the different drawing mediums of willow and compressed charcoal, pastel, graphite and ink.
  • Learn how to maximise the effect of each of these materials to achieve their drawing potential. 
  • Learn fundamental drawing skills of seeing, proportion, perspective, composition. 
  • Understanding tonal values
  • How to achieve a sense of volume and form in your drawings

What will students take home?

A series of short drawing studies in pencil, charcoal and ink on paper. A sustained finished drawing using charcoal on high quality paper and/or brown craft paper.

Who should attend?

This workshop is suitable for students in senior primary school with a keen interest in drawing.

What to bring

Bring your own Visual Diary, sketch book or note book if you have one.  All drawing materials will be provided for use in this workshop.

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